The perfect addition to our Business
Connection solution, Webcon's Remote Maintenance Service option provides
peace of mind, knowing that your system is being maintained on a constant
schedule, applying security updates and package upgrades, keeping your
system up to date.
Cost effective: no need to spend large amounts of money for in-house specialists
(system admin., network admin., security specialist etc.)
Expert service: our team of specialists will serve you better than a general in-house sysadmin
Fast and reliable support: when problems do occur we fix them quickly, and frequently before the client calls in.
Piece of mind: you can focus on your business instead of worrying about your server/firewall.
Daily security monitoring: various passive intrusion detection systems will detect break-ins
Data reliability: we can monitor your backup system and keep it running smoothly (optional)
Known vulnerability scanning: we monitor reports of newly discovered security vulnerabilities and address them quickly
Log monitoring: allows daily detection of: mail problems, imminent hardware
failures, suspicious user activity, abnormal system activity etc.
Performance monitoring: we tune your systems software for optimal performance
Preventative maintenance: we address known flaws/bugs before they before they become a problem
Quick and easy upgrade path: re-installs are typically not necessary. Our system allows remote distribution upgrades with near-zero downtime
Remotely managed: on-site access rarely required
Spam prevention tuning: we keep our various spam prevention mechanisms running smoothly
Remote service customized to your needs (up to 4 hours each month)
Package updates and security fixes
Annual major server upgrade/re-install (includes up to 1 man-day of labour)
Business-hours expert service (24 x 7 service negotiable on a per-case basis (extra charge))
Nightly system backups w/ (optional) monthly permanent archives (details will vary depending on chosen backup system)